Bomba celebrates MELxNYC with MFWF - Bombabar

November 02, 2020 1 min read

Take to Bomba’s iconic and newly renovated Rooftop as four former Black Pearl legends reunite as Fancy Free to pour a range of cocktails encapsulating some of modern art's greats. A Mondrian Martini? A Gauguin Gimlet?

Your ticket includes two cocktails, with the team at Bomba matching these tipples with a menu that celebrates and demonstrates Melbourne’s love of tapas. More cocktail options will be available for purchase across the bar.

Emulating NYC’s signature speakeasy secrecy and exclusivity, your adventure begins via private elevator at Bomba. What could be more New York than an afternoon surrounded by skyscrapers?

Tickets and more information available through MFWF.