November 02, 2020 3 min read

Get in someone's good books forever. Join Bomba Booze Club.

We all love a good deal, a good offer, one simply too good to refuse. That’s kind of our mantra here at Bomba – make it impossible to say no. And when we’re working on something that we feel makes life too easy and is too good to say no to, we’re a happy bunch because we feel you will be, too.

That’s Bomba Booze Club – life made easier. By life we mean drinking Spanish alcohol and by easier we mean delivered to your door. Sí, mi amigo, you can have the best Spanish alcohol curated and delivered to your door so you can explore different Spanish regions at home.

Thirsty? Explore Bomba Booze Club.

Itchy feet? See what part of Spain we're exploring this summer.



Experience Spain at home through either subscribing to our 'Explorer Tours' where we travel to new regions of Spain each month through the bottle, or make one-off purchases of specific drops for your next knock off, party or celebration.



Crafted by our Head Sommelier and Hisphanophile, Shane Barrett, explore a new region of Spain each month with comprehensive examples of its finest drops delivered to your home in three simple packages.

See this summer's tour of Spanish wines.

Contiki Tour – The Beginner

A one-off order of a mixed half dozen Spanish wines to dip your toe into the beautiful country without moving an inch. Ever done a Contiki tour? It’s quick, it’s fun, and it’s just a taste to give you an idea for next time. Shop now.

BusAbout Tour - Intermediate

A one-off order of a mixed dozen Spanish wines exploring a specific Spanish region with tasting notes and stories. This is for those looking to marinate on a region a little longer, digging your toes into the beautiful Mediterranean sand and leaving this world behind. Shop now.

The Expat - Experienced

A three or six month subscription to a mixed dozen case of Spanish wine landing on your doorstep each month PLUS a bonus six Bomba plumm wine glasses. This is for those looking to permanently relocate to Spain and experience our favourite place on earth (and we don’t blame you). Shop now.

Cava - Celebrations

Celebrate with the festive spirit the Spanish are known for with Cava – fresh, crisp bubbles that are perfect for any special occasion. Available in one-off cases of 12, serve Cava cold, fresh, and fast. Shop now.



When you think of Spanish alcohol, you think wine. And sure, while they definitely have a way with wine, it’s not the only way. Spain is also home to a rich variety of spirits and liquors as well as wine, which means it is the perfect place for all those who a love a drink. Enjoy vermut? Spain is the place for you.

Casa Mariol Vermut - Cocktails

Enjoy Spain’s favourite Vermut, Casa Mariol’s Negro and Blanco Vermut. Available in single bottles or cases of six, Vermut is enjoyed as a tasty before dinner aperitif, with Sunday tapas in the sun, or as the ultimate cocktail builder for Friday night fun. Widely known as Spain's answer to the Gin + Tonic, the Vermut train is one you should definitely board. Shop now.

Picture getting home and the best Spanish wine, bubbles and liquor has been curated and delivered to your doorstep.

Stop there and start here at Bomba Booze Club.